Susan Narjala

Keeping it Real

Dear Fellow Moms, What Are We Trying to Prove by Doing it All?

I used to tune into Chopped on Food Network almost every evening. I loved the outlandish ingredients that were pulled out of the mystery basket (Durian and sheep’s hooves, anyone?) and the chefs with their unbelievable knife skills and risotto-making superpowers.

In particular, I remember one episode, not for its culinary wonders or drama, bur for a snippet of an interview that set me on edge. The chef on camera said, “I have two little girls and I have a full-time job as a sous chef. I’m a mom and climbing the ladder in the culinary world. I just want people to look at me and go, ‘Wow, how does she do it all?!’”

I sat there with my bowl of salted caramel gelato, mildly irritated by her over-the-top honesty. She was willing to admit on national television that she wanted the admiration of the world. She wanted to be known as someone who “does it all”.

But then it dawned on me: don’t we all love to be seen as multitaskers who manage to pull off impossible schedules with ease? Don’t we love to look like we have our juggling act together and pretend that not one of our 11 balls goes flying off in the wrong direction?

Read more on Her View From Home

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