Monthly Archives

in September 2019

Installing India – Phase 1

Pulling out another one from the archives. I wrote this post four years ago, when we still experiencing "reverse culture shock" when we moved back to India after about 12 years of living in the US. Four years on, I cannot believe that Trader Joe's and Costco don't appear on my to-do list. But professional in-home ...

Giving My Kids The Space To Find God

Somewhere along the way, she stopped needing me to hold her hand as we walked in the parking lot. Somewhere along the way, he stopped needing me to read him stories before bed. She stopped needing me to wash her hair with the raspberry scented shampoo. He stopped needing me to tie his shoelaces. They ...

I love words. But you probably figured that out by now, considering this website essentially collates my words on the web. Read More…