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in December 2019

When Disappointment Is All You Can Unwrap at Christmas

Maybe this Christmas you’re not feeling it. You’re done being merry. You’re tired of faking holly and jolly. You couldn’t care less about goodwill to man. Things have not panned out for you the way you’d hoped when January 2019 dawned. Situations that looked promising have now been dampened by the reality of the last almost 12 ...

A Boy, his Rubik’s Cube and a Powerful Reminder

The boy lies sprawled on the couch, home from school with a fever and throat infection. He isn’t asking for screens yet – only because he’s fully immersed in his Rubik’s cube, having recently cracked the “code” for it. He looks at me through tired eyes, determined to explain the algorithm. I nod along, half-listening - ...

I love words. But you probably figured that out by now, considering this website essentially collates my words on the web. Read More…