Susan Narjala

Keeping it Real

30 Things I’ve Learnt in My 30s

In about two months, I’ll be celebrating my big four-oh. There’s a lot I want to get done before that. There are skills to master, habits to build, distant lands to visit and dreams to crush.

But that can wait. It’s not like life is all downhill after 40. At least that’s what I keep telling myself.

Somehow skirting the edge of this milestone makes me feel like I’ve lived long enough to dispense nuggets of “listen up” to the world.

Here’s a roundup of 30 not-necessarily-life-transforming truths I’ve come to embrace.

  1. Saying “yes” when you really want to say “no” is a rubbish plan.
  2. Start arguments when you’re not tired. You’ll still fight. But at least you’ll be somewhat coherent.
  3. Keep a journal. Your memory is bound to get worse with each passing year.
  4. Hang out with your parents. They can actually be fun.
  5. Accept that you’ll probably never be at your target weight.
  6. Put your phone away. Enjoy that meal without needing to document it.
  7. Take off those heels. One hundred years from now, they’ll look at pictures of us and say, “Why did women do that to themselves?” (A lesson I’m still learning)
  8. Not everyone is going to like you. Too bad for them. (Also a lesson in progress)
  9. Social media starts off as a distraction. It then pulls you into a downward spiral that never lets you go. (Yes, I mean to sound ominous.)
  10. Apologize to your kids when you mess up. (If you have kids, screwing things up is a professional hazard. Prepare to feel like a fool for yelling for no reason – and then own up to your lunacy)
  11. Don’t take the people closest to you for granted. Hug them. Tell them you love them. (Yes, you’ve heard that before, but it’s worth repeating).
  12. There’s no such thing as a free lunch. Strings. They come with everything.
  13. Never run out of coffee. Ever. Toilet paper is a close second.
  14. Let God be your Defense Attorney when you’re wronged. Unforgiveness is just bad for you.
  15. Get really good at one thing. It could be making killer brownies. It could be writing poetry that no one “gets.” Find that one thing. And keep on keeping on.
  16. Squishy is the new hot. Repeat that statement six times a day. You’ll be a lot happier in your 40’s.
  17. Forget adulting after 8 p.m. Especially when there’s Netflix and dark chocolate.
  18. Spend gobs of time alone. It’ll clear your mind. Plan a solo retreat.
  19. If you haven’t used it for a year, donate it or toss it out. De-cluttering is good for the soul.
  20. Ask for help. No one does it alone.
  21. If you’re not where you’d imagined you’d be in life at your age, you’re not alone.
  22. “What a privilege to carry, everything to God in prayer.” True. True. True.
  23. Learn to make pizza from scratch.
  24. RSVP to invitations on time. And then show up if you said you would.
  25. Don’t expect someone else to create your happiness for you.
  26. If you can splurge on one thing, let it be a leather recliner.
  27. In most instances, you’ll need a vacation after a vacation.
  28. It’s worth letting your guard down, even after you’ve been hurt. Walls keep people out. And they keep you locked inside.
  29. Marry someone who is kind to their parents. If you think he treats his mama badly, consider yourself warned.
  30. Linger a few minutes longer than you need to in a warm shower. The world will not fall apart if you do. Honest.


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