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in RELEVANT magazine

Holocaust Remembrance Reminds Us To Act

January 27th is commemorated as Holocaust Remembrance Day. This post - which first appeared on Relevant Magazine's site - is in honor of that time in history which we can never afford to forget. When I get to Dachau (pronounced Dak-ow), the temperature is a frigid 32 degrees Fahrenheit. I grab my camera, map and ...

Holocaust Remembrance Reminds Us To Act

When I get to Dachau (pronounced Dak-ow), the temperature is 32 degrees Fahrenheit. I grab my camera, map and audio guide and hurriedly bundle up in layers. But nothing can quite prepare me for what I’m about to witness. It’s a bleak winter afternoon and the tourist crowds have thinned. Once meant to serve as a ...

I love words. But you probably figured that out by now, considering this website essentially collates my words on the web. Read More…