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in creativity

The 5 C’s That Curb Your Creativity

This post is likely to be somewhat different from the ones I usually write because it's more practical than it is reflective. Having been in a bit of a creative slump recently, I sifted through the reasons behind it – and, lo and behold, there emerged five causes all of which started with the letter C. ...

When God Gives You a Shovel

  This morning my husband called about an hour after he’d left home for work. Did he miss me already? Did he want to whisper sweet nothings over the phone? Ha! After 10 years of marriage I knew better. “Hey! What’s up?” I ask. “I’m coming back home,” he says. Wow, he really did miss me. Or not. Read more ...

I love words. But you probably figured that out by now, considering this website essentially collates my words on the web. Read More…