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in June 2019

Motherhood: The Freedom of Not Being Enough

Women, particularly moms, are increasingly being told that we are “enough.” Best-selling books, popular blogs and even sermons constantly repeat the “You are enough” mantra. But does that phrase help grow our dependence on God? Is it even true? This Bible Plan counters that we are not enough, and challenges us to lean on the ...

My Dad – A Good Man

I remember crafting you a poem when I was eleven years old. It was your 45th birthday and I wrote this for you: “Born in ‘45 Today 45, Half of 90 In the Year ‘90” You thought my poem was next-level brilliant. Like, Nobel Literature Prize worthy. Like, T S Elliot should be taking notes. Thirty years later, you’re still the ...

One Fierce-Hearted Woman

"She’ll be coming ‘round the mountain when she comes. She’ll be coming ‘round the mountain when she comes . . ." You’re probably familiar with this sing-along melody. You’ve sung it on school buses headed to picnics and during big fat Indian family vacations. The “she” in question seems brazenly audacious. She rides six white horses ...

I love words. But you probably figured that out by now, considering this website essentially collates my words on the web. Read More…