Susan Narjala

Keeping it Real

When You Don’t Know Which Way To Turn

Three men walk into a desert and get lost for seven days.

Sounds like the start of a cheesy joke?

Well, there’s no punchline—it’s actually the beginning of an interesting narrative in the book of 2 Kings.

The three men were, in fact, kings. (Not to be confused with the magi who visited baby Jesus, although I’m not entirely sure they didn’t get lost either.)

But getting back to 2 Kings, here’s the story as it unfolds in Chapter 3: The men were the Kings of Israel, Judah, and Edom. They had teamed up as an allied force so they could take down the King of Moab.

But, like every guy who decides that Google Maps is for wimps and “knows” a better route, the three men, along with their armies, ditch the directions and find themselves lost in the desert.

Not only do they get lost, but they also run out of water. Not exactly the optimal situation in any situation. Worse in a desert.

They were disheartened, desperate, and dehydrated.

Thankfully, one of them has an aha moment and remembers that, while they can’t take the next exit and get gas and Gatorade, they can turn to God through a prophet.

Elisha, the prophet of God, is summoned and he agrees to share God’s words with them, despite these kings having somewhat dubious track records.

And this is what God says through Elisha to these three kings.

“You will see neither wind nor rain, yet this valley will be filled with water, and you, your cattle and your other animals will drink. This is an easy thing in the eyes of the Lord” (2 Kings 3: 18)

I love, love, love that phrase: This is an easy thing in the eyes of the Lord.

By human calculations, this was not an easy thing. Not by a long shot. In fact, by anyone’s estimation, this was an impossible thing.

But God.

But God specializes in making the impossible possible.

God specializes in revealing His glory through the most incredible, logic-defying ways.

God specializes in making our jaws hit the ground when all hope is lost.

He shows us that He is GOD – and we are not.

I don’t know what impossible situation you’re facing right now. Maybe you feel lost and you don’t know which way to turn. Maybe circumstances are squeezing the breath out of you leaving you gasping for air.

Friend, right now, I’m facing a sea of uncertainty where logic and reason dictate that I should be fearful and anxious.

But God.

No matter how large and imposing and scary the mountain in front of us may seem, God says: Hey, I’ve got this. This is an easy thing in my eyes.

 It reminds me of a song we used to sing at Sunday School back in the day: My God is so big, so strong and so mighty, there’s nothing my God cannot do.

Those words may seem childish. But they are packed with truth. There’s absolutely nothing my God cannot do.

 In the narrative in 2 Kings, the morning after the prophecy, the dry desert land is filled with water, just as God promised through Elisha.

Maybe your water-filling moment may not happen within a day. Maybe it will take months or years to see your desert soaking in streams. Maybe it won’t happen the way we imagine it or expect it or plan for it.

But we don’t just wait. We wait in expectation. We wait in prayerfulness. We wait upon the Lord who is the Living Water.

He is what our parched souls need in times when we are desperate. He is what our lost souls need in times when we are directionless. He is what our tired souls need in times when we are defenseless.

Cling to the all-powerful, always-loving God in those moments when you feel desperately lost. Hear Him say: This is an easy thing in the eyes of the Lord.

I am doing something brand new, something unheard of. Even now it sprouts and grows and matures. Don’t you perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and open up flowing streams in the desert. Isaiah 43: 19


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  • Emily Lawler

    Wandering in the desert too….thank you for this. Blessings to you.

    • Susan Narjala

      Thank you for sharing, Emily. I pray He brings those refreshing streams soon. With love, Susan

  • Rinu Richel Raju

    Hey Susan,

    Quite new to your blogs but I am already loving the simplicity and your words of encouragement through the articles. We often forget God is Almighty, and that nothing is too hard for him. All it takes is to have faith and move forward, knowing that he will never leave us nor forsake.

    Looking forward to more articles:-) God bless!

    • Susan Narjala

      Hi Rinu! Thank you so much for writing in. You’re absolutely spot on – we forget that nothing is too hard for Him and tend to put Him in a box. Hope we keep clinging to those truths as we navigate life. God bless you too! Susan


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