Susan Narjala

Keeping it Real

Here’s What To “Do” Instead Of Striving

As I walk past my kitchen, it calls my name. The “it” in question is an inconspicuous plastic container which, frustratingly enough, seems to know me pretty well. As I draw closer, it senses that my knees grow weaker and my self-control gets punier.
This spookily intuitive container holds multiple pieces of candy. It is the final resting place for my sweet stash before it is consumed by yours truly. Here, dark chocolate peanut butter cups hang out with raspberry-filled Lindt truffles and buttery salted caramels make room for coffee liqueur candies. The smorgasbord of sugary treats is intoxicating. But also infuriating. Because I can’t seem to say no to it.
My “stay away from processed sugar” goals from the morning seem to melt faster than ice cream on a sweltering summer afternoon.
I give up and I give in. One small piece. Okay, maybe two. Or three.
Tomorrow will be a better day, I promise myself. And quietly pray, “God, give me self-control.”
When it comes to the Fruit of the Spirit, the one attribute I most struggle with is self-discipline, especially when it comes to my seemingly insatiable sweet tooth.
If you need a quick refresher on the other fruit, here’s what Paul says in Galatians 5: The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.
While I can’t declare that I produce a bountiful harvest of the other fruit, self-control is a significant struggle for me. Indiscipline often rears its head with the mocking refrain, “Gotcha again!”
But as I meditate on Scripture and look around me at creation, here’s what God laid on my heart: Trees don’t try.
Yup. That’s my “profound” somewhat-theological statement for today: “Trees don’t try.”
Trees don’t post their goals on Instagram saying, “For the last quarter of the year, my goal is to produce 10 fruit a week.”
Trees don’t strive to win the “Most Fruitful of the Season” award.
Trees don’t stress about their productivity or apply for promotions.
You know what they do instead?
Trees receive nourishment from the sunlight and the soil. They sink their roots deep into the ground to drink in the water. They yield to the gardener as they are pruned. And then they bear fruit.
So what does this have to do with my sugar shenanigans?
Could the fruit of self-discipline be cultivated less by striving in my strength and more by yielding to God’s power?
I’m not saying that we cross our fingers and hope that we bear fruit. Fruit-bearing doesn’t just “happen”—it definitely involves intentionality.
God gives us the wisdom to take practical steps. Goal-setting is good and important. But striving implies a dependence on self which manifests in stress—which results in more striving. And the cycle continues.
Instead of striving, we are called to be intentional about keeping in step with the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5: 25).  The phrase “keep in step” is reminiscent of a dance. The Holy Spirit sets the rhythm and the pace, and we are to follow His lead.
He leads us into a life where our desires and thoughts are oriented toward God. He leads us into a newness of life where we long to please God rather than ourselves. He leads us into a closer relationship with God where we discover that He is always enough.
Our job is not to strive but to keep in step with the Spirit.
On my own, I may not be self-disciplined. But God’s power within me rescues me from slavery to sin (even something seemingly inconsequential as needing a sugar “fix”) and gives me the freedom to walk in self-control
Friend, I don’t know if I have completely crushed my candy cravings. But as I yield to the Spirit’s power, I grow in my desire to live for God’s glory rather than my own pleasure. Like trees that bear good fruit, we don’t need to strive. Instead, we walk moment by moment in step with the Spirit.
May we sink our roots deeper into the Word of God, may we let His light illuminate every area of our hearts, and may we allow Him to lead us into a life of fruitfulness.

A version of this post first appeared on Indiaanya.

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  • This was a major turning point for me when God taught me this lesson. The words He used to point me to the truth were to point out the difference between “fruit” and the passage’s previously mentioned “deeds” of the flesh. He said that deeds are something we do, while fruit just happens. He also pointed out to me, “Fruit from where? From the Holy Spirit.” Not me. He produces it, and I’ve totally seen that in my life this year. So thankful for your blog!

    • Susan Narjala

      So good. And so necessary.The difference between deeds and fruit is so stark. God is such a wonderful Teacher and Counselor! Thank you for sharing, Sara! Blessings, Susan


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