Susan Narjala

Keeping it Real

Dear Hubs, A Dada-Base Of Why We Love You!

Dear hubbers,

Happy Father’s Day!

I know you’re a behind-the-scenes guy, but there comes a moment in every man’s life when he needs to be embarrassed by an overly enthusiastic, gushing wife.

Well, that’s not entirely true.

But, whether you’re ready for it or not, hang tight because this is your moment in the spotlight. I would say it’s your “six seconds of fame,” but considering my rather anemic readership, I may have to rephrase the “fame” bit.

Let’s just say it’s your six seconds of appreciation. Although, dearest husband, you deserve a lifetime of me flooding the internet with your praises (Er, that was certifiably cringey, even by gushing-wife standards)

This Father’s Day, here’s a “dada-base” of six reasons why we think you’re awesome:

  1. You love Legos. That translates to: you love hanging with the kids and playing with them and getting down to their level. Of course, the kidlings aren’t always super thrilled that you make them organize all the bits and bobs of Legos after they’re done, but hey, two birds with one stone, right?
  2. You love God. Yeah, I should have put that first. But, much to your dismay, this is list is not in any particular order of priority. Gasp! Be cool now. It’s really okay.
  3. You love your wife. Yup, the kids get to see what real love looks like. It’s not roses and candle-lit dinners. It’s getting your wife a glass of water in the middle of the night because she’s thirsty and too lazy to get it herself. Love in action is all sorts of unglam. Thanks for loving us on ordinary days.
  4. You love cleaning. Hallelujah. If this list was actually arranged according to importance, this point may have wound up right at the top.
  5. You love all things tech. Other than the fact that you’re teaching the kids about what it means to be passionate about something, it means I don’t have to learn a thing about wifi, LANs, WANs, Clouds or any subjects that make my eyes glaze over. Can I get an “amen”?
  6. You love rules. I know, this sounds like it shouldn’t have made the dada-base of why we love you. But even if the kids don’t know it yet, boundaries rock. Thank you for enforcing them with kindness and consistency, especially when I flake on them. Thank you for showing them tough love mixed with tons of tender and sweet.

Okay, you can stop squirming now and go back to that comfortable spot of anonymity behind your desk/ laptop/ camera/ soundboard at church/ grill at the BBQ/  anywhere you don’t have to make conversation.

Thank you for being such a solid presence in our lives. Thank you for putting us before yourself. Thank you for being a good man and a great dad.

Until next Father’s Day when we have the opportunity to embarrass you again,

The wife and your two minions


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