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in waiting

When You Don’t Feel Like Being Thankful

The other day, I threw an epic fit. I let my two sort-of-stunned teenage kids “have it” for several reasons, some being legit things that needed correction and others being things that bubbled to the surface because I was having a mommy meltdown. One of the things that I probably didn’t need to rant and rave ...

God Is Not Interested In This (At All!)

Here’s something you should probably know about me, especially if we haven’t met in person. It’s a fact that is intrinsic to my personality. Something that is difficult to overlook. On a good day, with my three-inch heels on, I hover at about five feet high. Or thereabouts. Being “fun size” comes with its share of good things ...

These 7 Lessons Can Steer You Through Transitions

Here’s something immigrants do. They immigrate. (What can I say, except that I’m clearly brilliant with definitions??) As far as the US goes, the ‘American Dream' draws many of us to its shores. It’s the dream of owning your own home with a white picket fence where you can raise your kidlings who will eventually go ...

Hope For When You Feel Stuck

“This is going nowhere.” Have you ever thought those words or voiced them when frustration mounted and you were ready to call it quits? Confession time: I have. Multiple times. I’ve been ready to throw in the towel because it felt like things were stuck, or like I was going in circles, or like I was on a road ...

How To Hear God’s Voice Over The Noise Of The World

Remember the game ‘Chinese Whispers’ you likely played at a birthday party when you were a kid? If you’re scanning your memory trying to think back to a few decades ago (like I did), here’s a little reminder of the game: A word or phrase is whispered from one person to another till the final ...

Living In The In-Between of Holy Saturday

The Saturday between Good Friday and Easter has always felt somewhat nondescript to me. We do nothing much in particular. I probably spend most of my time in the kitchen prepping resurrection rolls (a tradition at our house) and baking lemon meringue pies (a recent but here-to-stay dessert for Easter lunch). Holy Saturday hasn’t felt especially ...

Are You an Impromptu Hairstylist?

My sister-in-law texted me two pictures the other day. The first was of her sweet 4-year-old daughter. The second was of a small trash can with a considerable amount of hair in it. Yup, you guessed right - her little hatchling had gotten hold of a pair of scissors and had decided to turn her bedroom ...

While You Wait

It happens like clockwork. Every three weeks my dear husband hits pause on all plans and ensures that he gets a haircut. He leaves home for an hour and springs back looking like an Indian Jason Bourne (Are rose-tinted glasses still allowed after 15 years of marriage? I’m giving myself a pass). But, then, like much ...

While You Wait

Fifteen years ago, while I was a single woman waiting for my forever man, I prayed this rather ridonculous prayer: "Father, I want you to be the cake and for my future husband to be the frosting." I wrote this not-really-Biblical prayer in my journal a few months before I met my dashing dude. Thankfully, God answered ...

I love words. But you probably figured that out by now, considering this website essentially collates my words on the web. Read More…