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in waiting

You Have Permission For This

There’s a distinct point of time when I snap. I don’t mean that I snap my fingers to a happy chorus. Nope. I mean I snap like a dry twig. You can almost hear the cartoon-like crraaack. My patience runs out. My face contorts. My tone hovers somewhere between irritable and infuriated. My words range from snarky to ...

Start With One Small Step

As I look out the window of the living room of my 9th-floor apartment, my heart skips a beat. A little girl, about three or four years old, stands on the 6th floor of a building under construction next door to us. Her mom bends over the cement blocks a couple of feet away from ...

Here’s What To “Do” Instead Of Striving

As I walk past my kitchen, it calls my name. The “it” in question is an inconspicuous plastic container which, frustratingly enough, seems to know me pretty well. As I draw closer, it senses that my knees grow weaker and my self-control gets punier. This spookily intuitive container holds multiple pieces of candy. It is the ...

3 Things To Do When You’re Overwhelmed

Okay, I get it. The absolute last thing you need when you’re overwhelmed is another list telling you what to do. You’re already drowning in an ocean of relentless demands. You would rather not have Christianese slammed at you when all you want to do is curl under the comforter and hibernate for an embarrassingly ...

When You’ve Messed Up “Too Much”

The other day, I dropped a supposedly “unbreakable” plate by accident (Or maybe it was genetics? I seem to have a congenital ‘butter fingers’ problem). Of course, it shattered into a gazillion pieces, leaving tiny shards of ceramic all over my kitchen floor. Turns out even the triple-compressed glass from a “trusted” and “timeless” brand ...

When You’re Running On Empty

His shoulders slumped as he sized up the empty baskets. He had pulled an all-nighter but there was nothing to show for it. He would go home empty-handed. His wife wouldn’t ask him any questions because she would notice the disappointment in his eyes. She wasn’t the kind to complain or point fingers. Instead, she ...

How Do I Overcome Anxiety? Part 2 of 4

Quick question. Don't think too long before you answer this. If you wanted help with a particular problem, where would you first go? I’ll admit: for me, it’s Google. (Yeah, I know, the right answer is "God" but I am working on that. Or, more specifically, He's working on me on that!) Back in the day, if ...

I love words. But you probably figured that out by now, considering this website essentially collates my words on the web. Read More…