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in mommyhood

You Have Permission For This

There’s a distinct point of time when I snap. I don’t mean that I snap my fingers to a happy chorus. Nope. I mean I snap like a dry twig. You can almost hear the cartoon-like crraaack. My patience runs out. My face contorts. My tone hovers somewhere between irritable and infuriated. My words range from snarky to ...

Vacations and Worship: Can They Actually Go Together?

Is it just me or do you find it harder to connect with God while on holiday? As someone who thrives on schedules, I enjoy time in the Word during my regular routine. But you know what happens on vacations? Or, more to the point, what doesn’t happen on vacations? Routine. That’s what. Schedules and calendars melt ...

Pray For The Hurting Mothers

We cry with the mom whose 26-year-old daughter was gunned down at the music festival. Her daughter’s last text simply read: “Mom, I love you so much.” Our hearts are heavy as we watch a Palestinian mom kiss her child for the last time, her guttural cries reverberating as they carry her son’s lifeless body ...

Hope For When You Feel Stuck

“This is going nowhere.” Have you ever thought those words or voiced them when frustration mounted and you were ready to call it quits? Confession time: I have. Multiple times. I’ve been ready to throw in the towel because it felt like things were stuck, or like I was going in circles, or like I was on a road ...

A Mother’s Day Prayer

Heavenly Father, What a sweet privilege it is to be handpicked as a mom and to partner with you on the sacred assignment of raising my children. Father, you know how inadequate I often feel for the high calling of motherhood, how unprepared to tackle the phases of my kids’ lives and all the messes (and moods!) ...

Where Do You Live?

When our son was about two years old, we got him a t-shirt that proclaimed: “I still live with my parents.” We thought it was the cutest thing ever — incidentally, as newly-minted parents, we thought everything about him was supremely brilliant (Anyone else remember those gushing first-time parent days?). His t-shirt would bring a ...

Does What You’re Doing Really Count?

This last week didn’t quite go exactly as planned. I’m guessing that’s happened to you too in the recent past. You plan to stay on schedule. But the only thing that sticks to its guns is a blasted headache that ruins your day. You plan to work out and get outdoors more. But the only thing that takes ...

When Your Kids Call You Out

If there’s anyone who “tells it like it is” it’s our kids. They don't mince words when they speak. They don’t sugarcoat things so it sounds politically correct or palatable. They don’t hide behind nice-isms and platitudes. And, often, their honest words are exactly what we need to hear. Let’s take a sample of some of the comments ...

Motherhood – The Freedom of Not Being Enough

There was a time when I would grab my son’s soft baby feet and squish them and smush them and foist way too many kisses on them. Yeah, that was before said feet started to resemble... hooves. About a decade later, forget squishing his feet, I wouldn’t touch them with a barge pole. (Sorry, kid, ...

I love words. But you probably figured that out by now, considering this website essentially collates my words on the web. Read More…