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in Jesus

Start With One Small Step

As I look out the window of the living room of my 9th-floor apartment, my heart skips a beat. A little girl, about three or four years old, stands on the 6th floor of a building under construction next door to us. Her mom bends over the cement blocks a couple of feet away from ...

Two Words God Laid On My Heart

I sometimes find myself standing before God 's throne like I’m at a Chinese fast food stall at a mall's food court waiting to get served. Let me explain. I can approach Bible reading like I’m there to get Hakka noodles and sweet and sour chicken plopped on my plate and say a quick, “Thank You, God," ...

You Don’t Have To Give In

For my daughter’s fourteenth birthday last year, she invited a few of her friends to an escape room. For the uninitiated, an escape room or mystery room is essentially an entertainment option where you pay good, hard-earned money to be trapped in a small space for an hour. I’m kidding. While I’ve only gone to an ...

No, This Is Not You

If you know me, you know I’m deeply committed to two of life's essentials: coffee and chocolate. Bring me some good quality dark chocolate and a strong cup o’ joe (sans the swirls, syrups, and sprinkles please) and we can be buddies for life. My home bears evidence of this proclivity (okay, fine, it may be ...

Brave Is…

Brave is Not being unafraid But trying while you tremble; Sometimes, it stands on a stage, In other moments, it journals in silence.   Brave is Risking vulnerability Knowing it might bless someone; Sometimes, it discloses a weakness, In other moments, it shares a gift.   Brave is Revealing your brokenness To Him who enfolds you in His love; Sometimes, it is tears poured out, In other moments, it is hands ...

5 Lessons From 50 Years Of Love

With Valentine’s Day less than a week away, it seems like a good time to talk about love. But what makes it an even better time—actually, no, the perfect time—is the story of two people who exchanged wedding rings on Valentine’s Day fifty years ago. And what makes it even more special is that I happen ...

Is Gratitude Really That Important?

Have you ever had one of those mundane, ordinary days when everything is slow and predictable, and then, wham, something hits you out of nowhere? I was going about my day, on schedule with my to-do’s and appointments, when I get a phone call from the nurse at my kids’ school. Every parent knows that’s a call ...

Do You Feel Like A Stranger Too?

There have been many times when I’ve felt like a stranger living in a foreign country. Oops. Wait. That’s probably because I was, in fact, a stranger living in a foreign country. I remember my very first trip outside of India about 25 years ago. I was headed for grad school in the US. I had never ...

I love words. But you probably figured that out by now, considering this website essentially collates my words on the web. Read More…