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in meltdown

How to Give Yourself a Timeout After A Mom Meltdown

It should come naturally with adulting. Yet, somehow, it doesn’t. Having a kid or two only seems to make it worse. Much worse. I’m talking about being in control of our emotions when things aren’t going quite as planned. When the to-do list is a mile long, the toddler is pounding on the floor like an ...

Mommy Meltdown

It's been one of those days. The last straw was glass-splintering-decibel-level screaming from downstairs JUST as I sat down on the metaphorical throne to pee. I run out, barely even done, only to find the kids feverishly yelling from one floor down - asking if Missy M could eat rice with her hands. I blow up. I ...

I love words. But you probably figured that out by now, considering this website essentially collates my words on the web. Read More…