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in goals

The Fellowship Of The Flawed

When we moved back to India from the US eight years ago, finding the right church was high on our priority list. Along with a hunger for God's Word, my husband and I sensed a deep hunger for community. After living abroad for over a decade, we were back home. And we longed for the ...

A Letter To My Husband On Our 18th Anniversary

Dear hubbers, You’re not one for “open” letters—you’re too logical to comprehend why a letter to you would be launched in the public domain. You’re right—there is no reasonable explanation. But humor me this time, would ya? (You’ve had excellent training in that regard for the last 18 years. If I do say so myself.) Since we’re ...

Are You Doing This Enough?

“I like you. You are… very good person,” she says as we walk together around our apartment building. She is from a different faith community, dressed conservatively with her head covered by a dupatta. Her English is not perfect, but her warmth is evident even through her faltering words. Naziha (name changed) and I sometimes meet each ...

Be Someone’s “Insurance Agent”

A few days ago, our friends from church who now live in another town met with an automobile accident. By God’s grace, their injuries were minimal but the wife was admitted to a hospital close to our home. When we visited Sarah (name changed) at the hospital, I was surprised to see another acquaintance, a quiet ...

A Prayer As 2022 Winds Down

Father God, As I look back on the last year, I thank you for your steadfastness. You have been unchanging through all the upheavals. You have been my Emmanuel even through times when I’ve felt empty. You have been faithful despite all my failures. While my words are far from enough, I simply offer up my thanks because, ...

We Need This More Than We Know

Sitting in the second row of the auditorium, I watched as my daughter and the rest of the choir filed onto the stage. Dressed in black and white, they looked like piano keys and my heart played a proud, happy tune. Being an overenthusiastic, trigger-happy mama, I leaned forward to speak to the two ladies in ...

Get On With The Life God Has For You

Our first year of marriage wasn’t all rainbows and roses. Of course, we were newlyweds in love. But, like many freshly-baked marriages, year one was like a cake with an undercooked, wobbly middle. Back then, though, I hadn’t the faintest clue that your relationship could go from idyllic to irritating in a nanosecond. Or even if ...

Let Your SMART Goals Give Way To WISE Ones

We’re six months into 2022, halfway through the year — which means by now we should have checked off half the goals which we charted out at the beginning of the year. You know, written half the book. Run half the marathons. Lost half the weight. Cleaned out half our drawers and closets. Saved half ...

Are You Struggling to Read the Word? Part 1

The other day, a reader asked me about how I managed to stay passionate about the Word of God and focus on Scripture. It got me thinking because while reading the Word is part of my daily rhythm now, it hasn’t always been the case. There have been long seasons where dust gathered on my Bible and ...

I love words. But you probably figured that out by now, considering this website essentially collates my words on the web. Read More…