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in Father’s Day

Dear Hubs, A Dada-Base Of Why We Love You!

Dear hubbers, Happy Father's Day! I know you’re a behind-the-scenes guy, but there comes a moment in every man’s life when he needs to be embarrassed by an overly enthusiastic, gushing wife. Well, that’s not entirely true. But, whether you’re ready for it or not, hang tight because this is your moment in the spotlight. I would say it’s ...

9 Ways to Create the Best Father’s Day for Your Man

It has an uncanny knack of sneaking up on you. Like heartburn after biriyani. Father’s Day seems to pop up before you’re even done recovering Mother’s Day “brunch” (i.e. toast and OJ in bed courtesy chefs under four foot high). Wives and kids everywhere are scrambling for last-minute gifts. Will dad end up with another well-intentioned tie? Or ...

My Dad – A Good Man

I remember crafting you a poem when I was eleven years old. It was your 45th birthday and I wrote this for you: “Born in ‘45 Today 45, Half of 90 In the Year ‘90” You thought my poem was next-level brilliant. Like, Nobel Literature Prize worthy. Like, T S Elliot should be taking notes. Thirty years later, you’re still the ...

I love words. But you probably figured that out by now, considering this website essentially collates my words on the web. Read More…