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in broken

When The Right Answers Are Not Enough

In the last few weeks, I met several people whose lives speak a story of brokenness. There’s a lady who works at a salon. Her makeup is on point. But her eyes betray her pain. She has left her two daughters with their grandmother in another state in the North East of India to work in ...

Four Forgiveness Facts That Can Help You Move On

Yikes! That was my instinctive, not-so-spiritual reaction when I saw this month’s IndiAanya topic. Resolving conflict? Peacemaking? Working through difficult relationships? Ahem. God, could I please take a pass this month and immerse myself in the delightfully pretentious world of social media instead? Turns out, God gave me the thumbs down on that one. I had ...

An Unlikely Example

Leaf through the Bible and you'll meet some amazing women of faith. Just think of one familiar Biblical name, Mary,  and three examples of virtue, courage and faithfulness come to mind. But it's one of the Old Testament's less-venerated heroines - or possibly anti-heroines - who has been on my mind recently. Hagar, the Egyptian slave girl, is an unlikely ...

I love words. But you probably figured that out by now, considering this website essentially collates my words on the web. Read More…