Yearly Archives

in 2017

Giving My Kids The Space To Find God

Somewhere along the way, she stopped needing me to hold her hand as we walked in the parking lot. Somewhere along the way, he stopped needing me to read him stories before bed. She stopped needing me to wash her hair with the raspberry scented shampoo. He stopped needing me to tie his shoelaces. They ...

Gentle Spirit, Fierce Faith

She came from a small village in Kerala. So small that it didn’t even have a train station. That was where my great aunt grew up in the 1930’s, the youngest of six children, among paddy fields and coconut trees, in a modest house with a tiled roof and a well outside. Today, Saramma is a ...

One Way to Raise a Child Who Isn’t Afraid to Fail

My kids wrapped up the last day of school with big grins, clothes stained with pizza sauce from the class party, and a certificate each. My big guy received a certificate for academic excellence in Grade 3. His sister received a certificate for perseverance in Grade 2. I instantly whipped out my phone to take pictures ...

How to Give Yourself a Timeout After A Mom Meltdown

It should come naturally with adulting. Yet, somehow, it doesn’t. Having a kid or two only seems to make it worse. Much worse. I’m talking about being in control of our emotions when things aren’t going quite as planned. When the to-do list is a mile long, the toddler is pounding on the floor like an ...

Five Ways to Make Giving a Summer Tradition

Recently, an article I wrote for struck a chord with readers the world over. The post – The Two Words That Can Transform Your Parenting – hinged on the idea that our everyday routines are, in fact, privileges. The two words the headline refers to are “get to,” indicating that our chores are actually opportunities. Like ...

The Two Words That Can Transform Your Parenting

Even before your eyes open, your mind is on “step on it” mode. Pack lunch: ham sandwiches, baby carrots, and raisins, times two. Drop kids off at school. Next stop: diapers from Target (don’t forget the gift for the baby shower). Get the minivan serviced. Make an appointment for the two-year-old’s well-child checkup (before she ...

The 10K Post Mortem (AKA: I ain’t dead yet)

As I walk up the stairs, my knees start protesting. If they could, they would hold placards saying, “Unfair Treatment,” or “You’re Killing Us.” And they would be justified in their allegations and demands. Their claims would not be baseless. (Just to make sure we’re on the same page, we’re still talking about my knees). Yesterday, I ...

I love words. But you probably figured that out by now, considering this website essentially collates my words on the web. Read More…