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in June 2015

Stepping Out

I was shopping at Target last week when I ran into a 3-year-old I teach at Sunday School. (She was with her mom, people. This isn’t an article on free-range versus helicopter parenting.) Anyway, the adorable thing looked up at me and said with wonder, “Teacher, I didn’t know you lived here!” She wasn’t too far off ...

When Things Are Out of (Your) Control

Humility is not the opposite of pride. It’s the opposite of anxiety. You won’t find that definition in Webster’s, but that’s how God’s been speaking to me about it recently. As a family, we’re planning a big move that we believe God has called us to. But along with that decision comes cartloads of uncertainties. I’ve been ...

I love words. But you probably figured that out by now, considering this website essentially collates my words on the web. Read More…