Yearly Archives

in 2014

16 Things Every New Parent Will Discover

Last week, the husband's brother and wife (to clarify, his brother's wife!) had a precious baby girl. She's far away in India and while we wish we could squish her and eat her cheeks up, we have little choice but to be content with Skype chats and pictures. Huberoo has been dispensing free advice to the newly-minted parents - fulfilling ...

Weekend Chow-Wow: Honey Toast Cafe

Our weekends usually include one or two (who am I kidding? SEVERAL)  meals out. I bid adieu to all culinary constraints and indulge without - thinking about - the bulge. So, from here on out begins the  Weekend Chow-Wow series - it's a Pow-Wow for foodies. I'll record our weekend's gorging, binge eating, face stuffing, food sampling indulgences. Maybe through ...

Captain Scrubs and the Dreaded Appointment

You know that feeling of exhilaration and pure, unbridled joy when you have an annual health check coming up? Yeah, me neither. This year was no different.  Three days before the check up I went on my "yikes, what will the doctor think!" diet. Somehow that didn't quite work. I was five pounds heavier than last year - despite ...

Susan and Shauna

Recently, I met Christian author and speaker, Shauna Neiquest. Well, "met" may be a bit of an embellishment for I "read her book Bread and Wine." But, reading the book was kinda almost like meeting Shauna. In it she talks about life and community, ending each chapter with a favorite recipe. I quickly bought a copy for my mom ...

No Tall Tales Here

Let's start at the very beginning, a very good place to start... Chapter 1: The Quest to Conquer I entered this realm a rather tiny baby. My mother, somewhat concerned, made several visits to the pediatrician who assured her that as an adult, I would be taller than my mom, barely five feet tall herself. Thirty five years later I, quite ...

Seems egghausting, if you ask me!

Yeah, I know it's not even close to Easter and I'm pulling out the corny egg puns. But I wanted to lead with a joke. Like this one: Did you hear about the company that pays women employees so they can freeze their eggs? That almost sounds like the start of a sexist joke. What it purports to be, though, ...

Why I may have to go back to buying white bread

There was a time, not too long ago, when my family wolfed down white bread like a pack of hyenas attacking prey. A gigantic Costco loaf of white bread would be demolished in a couple of days, slathered with non-natural peanut butter and jelly or, better still, Nutella. But all of a sudden, I had to ...

Christian Buzz words or Biz words?

Back in the days of yore, when I was but knee-high, I heard around me a uniquely Christian language. I'm talking about Christianese in church-going circles in the 80s and 90s. We always said certain things a certain way. When I got older, I was no exception to the lingo. And, oftentimes, I'm still not. Have ...

Five reasons why India rocks

Everyone knows India is mystical and spiritual and beautiful. At least everyone that has not stepped foot in the country. Once you've visited you know that India is controlled chaos spinning in kaleidoscopic frenzy. Everything has been distilled so you're left with the best, the worst, the most vibrant, the craziest. There's just nothing vanilla ...

I love words. But you probably figured that out by now, considering this website essentially collates my words on the web. Read More…